Gospel Questions: What Do Mormons Believe about Death?

Death is a sorrow that will come to all of us. We lose our grandparents, our parents, sometimes a child. We may lose a spouse before we are ready to let them go. The human body is frail and can only remain with us for a short time. It’s hard to let go of someone we loved so dearly. However, there is hope and peace that comes through knowing and understanding the principle of life after death. We believe that when a person dies, they do not cease to exist, but that their spirit rises up to dwell with Heavenly … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Keystone of Our Religion

I apologize for being a bit behind with the lessons for this year – sickness has kept me from attending church regularly so now I’m playing a little bit of catch-up. Our area of study in Gospel Doctrine class this year is the Book of Mormon, and the first lesson for the year was entitled “The Keystone of Our Religion.” The scripture references for this lesson are: 1 Nephi 13:38—41, 19:23 2 Nephi 25:21—22, 27:22, 29:6—9 Mormon 8:26—41 Ether 5:2—4 Moroni 1:4, 10:3—5 Doctrine and Covenants 10:45—46, 20:8—12, 84:54—58 Introduction to the Book of Mormon We have been told that … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Pure Religion

The lesson this week was taken from the book of James in the Bible and is focused on the topic of pure religion as defined in James 1:27: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. When we read the part about visiting the fatherless and the widows, this of course brings to mind the qualities of charity and compassion. This is pure religion indeed, to be the hands of the Lord on earth, to serve them as He would … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: Why Don’t Mormons Use Crosses?

When you enter an LDS church, you won’t see any crosses. They do not adorn our temples, we do not wear them around our necks or decorate our homes with them. Why not? Isn’t the cross the universal symbol of a Christian faith? Doesn’t this mean that Mormons aren’t Christians? Mormons are most definitely Christians, but we have a specific reason for not using the cross. We are so deeply, eternally grateful to Jesus Christ for His atoning sacrifice and subsequent crucifixion. We profoundly feel the impact of His saving grace in our lives and we contemplate the pain He … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Resurrected Body of Christ

Many Christians think of Jesus as a spiritual creature, existing without a body. Of all of the references to Christ’s resurrected, physical body, the scriptures of the New Testament are some of the clearest. Here, He shows His disciples without a shadow of a doubt that, following death, He took up again His physical body. Luke 24 shows the best record of this. As the disciples sat puzzling over the events of the preceding day, the Savior appeared to them. In verse 37, we see that the disciples responded with terror, thinking that Jesus was not a man but a … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Witnesses of the Resurrected Lord

Various witnesses who saw Jesus in His resurrected state. First among them were Mary Magdalene and other women who had come to the tomb to anoint His body for burial. Next were the Apostles of Christ. Their testimonies teach us of Christ, and we, in turn, bear our testimonies to teach others. In the beginning of the first three chapters we read for class this week – Matthew 28, Luke 24, and John 20 – we learn that several women ventured to the tomb to prepare Christ’s body. There, the find not their deceased friend Jesus, but two angels who … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: What Christ’s Resurrection Means to Each of Us

This week’s Gospel Doctrine lesson discusses the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we ponder this topic, I would first like to address what this significant event means to each and every one of us. Like the Atonement, the events that occurred on the first day of the week many years ago did not affect only the Savior. When He reunited His body and His spirit, He made it possible for each and every one of us to do so likewise. In 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, Jesus is called “the firstfruits” of those risen from the dead. Similarly, … Continue reading

When He Comes Again

There are two songs that always make me teary when I hear them. The first is “I Wonder When He Comes Again,” as found in the Children’s Song Book for Primary. As I listen to the words, I think about the Savior’s Second Coming and contemplate the questions asked in the lyrics. What time of year will it be? Will the stars in the heavens shine brighter? And, most importantly, what will my relationship with Him be on that day? The other song is currently being played on the radio. It’s called “I Can Only Imagine,” and it’s sung by … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: July 15-21

From seminary to tithing to LDS secrets, this week carried with it a number of blogs sure to help and entertain you. Gospel Doctrine: In What Christ’s Resurrection Means to Each of Us, we discussed the impact of the resurrection in our lives. In Witness of the Resurrected Lord, we discussed various people who saw the Lord following His resurrection. In Doubting Thomas, we considered the disciples who doubted news of Christ’s resurrection. In The Value of the Old Testament, we discuss the relevance of the first book of the bible. In Did Not Our Hearts Burn?, we discussed the … Continue reading